James Pantefedwyn Foundation

01970 612806post@jamespantyfedwen.cymru

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Welcome to the James Pantyfedwen Foundation

The James Pantyfedwen Foundation began its operations on 1 April 1998, the successor of two former charitable trusts, both of which has been set up by the late Sir D J James whose aim was to create a permanent endowment to benefit the people of Wales.

The Foundation currently supports religion, education and culture in Wales by providing grants under six headings: Church Buildings, Church Resources and Equipment, Eisteddfodau, Postgraduate Students, Publications and Christian Training Courses.

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For further details and rates, click HERE




2024 MORLAN-PANTYFEDWEN ANNUAL LECTURE                                            
Building Connections for the Common Good: Dialogue and Trust in the Pursuit of Peace

Professor Virginia Gamba
United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict



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Book on DJ James: His Life and Legacy
ON SALE NOW from your local bookshop - £18

Also available from the Foundation: