James Pantefedwyn Foundation

01970 612806post@jamespantyfedwen.cymru

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Publications in the fields of religion, theology or philosophy

The James Pantyfedwen Foundation invites applications for grants to support publications in the fields of religion, theology or philosophy, when those publications are not eligible to apply for grants from other publishing sources (such as the Welsh Books Council or other educational and academic bodies). The applicant must have a permanent address in Wales for at least three years before submitting an application.

The Pantyfedwen Trustees meet three times a year to consider various applications. These meetings are usually held in March, July and November. Applications must be submitted at least a month before the date of a meeting. 

If you wish to submit an application for a grant to support any publication in the field of religion, theology or philosophy, please read the guidelines carefully before completing an application form.  The guidelines and the application form can be downloaded below.


Application forms