Ebenezer Evangelical Baptist Church, Swansea
The members of Ebenezer Church decided to complete renovate, renew and improve the mission hall and kitchen as both were in a poor state of repair. It is an active and outward-looking church, with the building used extensively by the church itself – for Sunday services of worship and Sunday School, children’s and Young People’s meetings, Bible Study and Prayer Meetings, Men’s and Ladies’ meetings, Christianity Explored Courses and Mother and Toddlers’ Group, fellowship meals, English classes for asylum seekers, Apprentices Groups and special services at Easter and Christmas. “We are a passionate evangelical Christ-centred church and are very thankful for the buildings we have, the space they give us and the location, right next to hundreds of brand-new student flats. Putting our buildings right for the future is crucial for welcoming and feeding and providing a place for friendship.”
As can be seen from the photographs, the mission hall and kitchen have now been fully renovated, and the church have now organised a special harvest fellowship meal to dedicate them to God’s work in Swansea.