Capel Tabernacl, Cardiff
At the beginning of January 2021, work began on the installation of a ramp outside the Tabernacle Chapel in the Hayes, Cardiff. The area in front of the chapel was cleared and members had to walk to services through the vestry entrance. Within about three months, a ramp was built and new steps installed in front of the chapel. The slate stones were re-laid to create a safe area in front of the entrance, and the front and new wall sections of the ramp repainted.
During the same period an external toilet next to the vestry was re-built and decorated and is now accessible to the less able. At the back of the chapel the men's toilet building had to be taken down as it was unsafe, and gas and electricity pipework was relocated under the stained glass window for safety.
The new facilities, the toilet and the ramp, have really been appreciated by church members, especially those who find steps difficult and others with limited mobility. The young families with babies have also found that the ramp has really made a difference. All chapel users, members and friends who have visited recently, have noted how well the ramp looks, and how it fits so naturally as part of the special Tabernacle architecture.
Many thanks to the James Pantyfedwen Foundation for the grant aid towards the cost of this work.